KAraT abes !

Saturday, June 6, 2009

love~life ? sorry, not at this age.

rejects people twice, and rejected as friends once.
some peoples have asked me if i will go on a relationship or do i have someone in my mind now.

perhaps, i have someone in my mind, but, is being rejected even as to be friends.
perhaps, i will learn to let something i love go. if it comes back, it's mine. if it never comes back, it never was.
to me, love shall go with the flow of life and trusts.
whoever i am bound and destined to love someday, even temporarily,  i shall love her with the flow of life, show her trust, care, and lights of life.

well, i wanted to let the feelings go, but, i dreamt about her last night, was a nice dream. perhaps, i shall have patience.
i will wait for the time i will be able to see her again...

Things I Love About You

Your eyes
which first held me captivated
where I stood.

Your smile
to dazzle the sun
and warm every corner of my soul.

Your voice
like a sparkling mountain stream
which flows into my heart.

Your walk
and the way your gracefulness
takes my breath away.

Your hair
about which I dreamed
cascading into my face
as you leaned over me.

Your hands
whose caress I crave
to hold my face
in their tenderness.

Your arms
I long to have around my neck
as you pull me close
to your warmth.

Most of all
everything you are
changed the way I feel about my life.

I love you.

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