KAraT abes !

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

sports daze =)

whad a beautiful wednesday morning(ouhk ouhk...being gila again)

woke up tis morning at 6:30..while my fone alarm sounded at 6:00, suppose i was super tired...quickly went bathe, go change and take bus to e stadium....sports day uhh.... confirm super boring.. =/

yeah, thought i was late and was like brisk walkin like some...donno wot to say uh...super mad ah.... wasted my time....stupid teachers, especially whoever who planned the sports day....we are suppose to assemble by 7:30, and the march past was at 7:55 SIAL!!!!!!

k uhhh.... the first programme of e day was lower sec class cheer finals..... we all did superb... i gotten my steps all right. ((=  the only ting tht spoiled was the song uhhh... we donno why it suddenly stopped...then, ****** miss munirah... we haven't finish... she anyhow say.... "lets give our hands for class 2E !!!!!!!!!!!".... ohemge
well, at least we were professional and brave enough to continue with our cheeers and to end it all up without showing any tempers infront of the whole skewl...

alright..then..wait and wait till it ends.... and oohhh anyway, SEC 2E WON SECOND IN THE CLASS CHEER COMPETITION AND ALSO A SECOND FOR OVERALL IN SEC-2 SPORTS COMPETITION. :)
3 cheers ! 3 cheers ! 3 cheers for 2E ! heep~heep ! hooorrrrrrraaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy !

ouhk, then finally it all ends.... and its time for some socccccccaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
played soccer wif my frens and our sec 1s juniors uh... then, gt these sec 3s bullshits go and argue with us.....they'd been lyke playin at the street soccer court for like some time already, and we've been playing at the in-line skatin court for like less than 10 mins uh......ohemgeez
tell us to get out cause they wanna play and they need more space cause got more people...WTF SIAL  then, i just walk out wif my blistered legs and my team-mates uhhh...kufc

thennnn....haziq*BrothersForever and afiq came uh..... at the same time the place was super hot like hell uhh... so, afiq brings my other friends to go swimming.... me and haziq*BrothersForever continued playing for a while uh.. then, 4 other students frm my batch came... we play 3 vs 3
my team won, although i had to be keeper even wif my blistered legs. ((=

then, me and Haziq*BrothersForever had to go, kinda late already... we go Iecon, buy some drinks, then, over there saw afiq, haikal, fadhudhu, faiz and his mataer uhh..... they go play at dorm, then, me and haziq lepak and talk2 at the bench infrnt of the Iecon...

then...gtg, we take 293 go inter..then, walk to  7-eleven uh... bought 3 slurpees(don say wth first uhh)for my bro,my mom and miiiself uh...yeah.. forgotten to take straw.. -.- luckily haziq*BrotherForever reminded me...phew......haha, kekek(funny) and slenge(retarded) skit uhh... too tired already uh..blistered legs somemore =(

yeah, then we WALK back to inter and yeah... go back home...

quite a kekek day uhh todayzzz ((=

my world will be less kekek without my bro ! Haziq, brothers forever bro !

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