KAraT abes !

Thursday, November 5, 2009

1 weeek enjoyament. (=

hohoho, been sometime now since i last updatee.. kayy kayyy, will updatee on the moree recent ones firstt.

5th novemberrr:
wake up ard 10:45, at abang paul's house... guesstt rooom.. tired siowww.. =/
wake up, eat prata,entertain aunt, play ps3,makan nasi, play ps3 again, then go back home. (x

4th novemberrr:
nothing much uhh.. went out of house at 1750, go to kallang stadium, take mrt there.
was catching singapore's international friendly, Singapore vs indonesia.. sg won 3-1.
oldmanDuric scored twice, scorerMANIACalamshah scored one goal. uhummms..
the attendance was like damn low uh. the seats at east gate like 80% filled, north gate like 40% ? and the seats behind the
2 goal posts like super duper empty. -.- and uhhhh, no kallang waveee.. damn -.=
den, was raininggg anjeng and kucheng supe berat at kallang stadium uhh.. stayed on.. patriotic siow.

uhumss, den, on the way on the stad, i came across this indonesian guy uh, around 20 yrs old.
go wif him to the stad, cause he also going thereee.. yepyep, came all the way frm indonesia to watch tis match.. PATRIOTIC manzxzxzxzxz !
and oohhh, indonesian fans were like, a few only? and they like... omg.. supe supportive siow.
the whole stadium can only hear IN-DO-NE-SIA ! ohemgeezzz, like tht spirit, manzxzxzxzxz...
yeahh, den, after the match finish, met abang shaiful, and kak nadya. went back together to their housee..


3rd novemberrr:

hadd class bArbEcueee.. coolio ! gerekzxzxzxz man...
step my foot on ECP at 1655, reach Pit C10 at 1755... cool man. 1 hour walk...waddDAAtoot. -.-
hoho, supe tired uh manzxzxzxzzxz..... walked like uhh, 5kms? i think uh. feels like it. -.-
wooooo, den at last reach already... tirliao. luckily my beloved classmates got prepare some drinks for me already.
wooo, thank you manzxzxzxz. (:
fuuhh... syiok man.. babique here, bbabique there.... eat otahh, marchmelow(i tink thts how it's spelled uh], satayy, boneless cheeken,
yumms manzxzxzxzxzxz..

fuhh, but coolio moment is when, i found out im the one who killed my juniorr's prepaid.. bwahahahha.. serve u ritee, lady. >:D
muahahaha.. sorryyy uhh, but good thang is, u topup already bahh.. hoho

kayykayyy, dennnxx,played stress wif alvin uhh.. he bordx, so i entrtain him a lil'.i good fren bahh, ritee? geez, thks..
hoho.. fun sioww cooliow... snap candids and reals photosss here and theree.. 87 photos before my cam died. T____T
Rest in Peace, manzxzxzxz.... huhu
eat alot uhs. got home, beragapgokag trga!%$#%%!#$%13 ! everyth all come out down the white toilet bowl.
ahhh.. refreshening.. hoho..

manzxzxzxz, im gnna miss my 1D'08 2E'09 dudes and dudettes like lotsa lots, uhums?
My [D]ruggeh [E]cstacyy.. gonna miss u all lots manzxzxz...
feel free to leave a message on my fb/ call/text me, kays?
btw, Ecstacies, remember to join the Class FB grp Page hor.. to update ourslef mahh, click here.. to go
uhumss, some of the pixs, can ask from mee, Glenn Ho, MingYou, Nicole Tayy, Mohaid Lone, Eunicee Leee.

31st October:
last dayy of school, sad manzxzxz.. gonna miss my ecstacies like supe loads loads uh.
gottan my resultss..coolio, manage to promotio..uhumxx
denxx, at 1:15, left home to go for Jogathon. sad luhxx.. unable go friday prayers. :(
uhums..planned to meet upp Michellee****GodsissJieeeee (:,1445 at carparkk..
but, naww.. had to meet up someone else..uhumss.. wanna tell herrr, but her fone wif mumx. :(
hohox, jogged wiff Jieee for the jogathon...
she jogg supa slowwwwxx.. -.-||
sowieee agaiin, jieee.. had to leavee u againnn, was carryiin flaggeh.. hmmxxx :(
but, it'sss okayy Jieee, made up for uu... treatt u bubbleeteaa, uhumx?
heeh, hope u enjoy ee drinkx.
dennx, 1910, dismissall.. sadd manzxzxzxz, gonna miss Jieee.. :'(
Jieee, didi hope u readiin tiss, cozzz, didi miss ya, jiee.. =/
hmmssss, wanna watchh soccer match, sg vs thai nxt sat? hmms.. i got e tixs. (:
yepps, u hvnt been replyiin to my smses, jiee... hope u contact me sometime sooon,
im gettiin worried and is wonderiin if everyrhs fine there wif uu. :)
loveyaa forever, Jieee.. takecare,uhrs?
and hhmmms, thkss for everythh.. hehsxx (:

okaysss, till here,homosapienss..
off now !

Sealed with sincerity...


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