KAraT abes !

Sunday, November 22, 2009

some loooooooooooooooooooooong updates. ;D

hey peepos ! back to civilization from an island farrrrrrrr farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr farrrrrrrrrr awayyyyyyy,
1234567890987654321 Megameters [kilometers x1234567890987654321] from mainland. hohohs :B
shiokk manxxzzxzx !!!

First dayy: afternoon PT ahs?
1 o'clock, time we'd actually be chilliin ard.. woahh, needa follow haziq hady go find barber chop chop his hair..
jog throughout the way.. hmm -.-
tired sio searchiin.. tupid him uhs, told him go cut hair, he dun wan.. geez
denss, take boat to ubin and brisk walked(more like jog uhhs) to campsite.
shiok uhs.. denss, assembled and assigned to our groups..
first 2 frenss, Syzwani and some guy, i forget his name .___.
uhummss, and both from RSS (area 20)
sad luhhs, manage to get to noe both pepos quite ok and well, didnt manage to get their cntct infos. :(

denns dennns, take bus go changi

wot we did :
Potography.. quite okk uhhss, kinda a lil' clueless of wot the lalalas the clue were sayiin. -.-
poohs, then just follow the crew and try to gibb some support.

Low-rope course..omgs, censored suhh.. -.- some of us guys, our track pants come off a lil when
squeeziin thru e net..denss,some of e girls go giggle here and dere.. waaa. -.-
and yepss, met some new frens, Syakirah (lil' chimpanzeee), and mani2 others i forgot name. pooh -.=
shiiokk uhhs...

Kayakingg... i paddled like siaoo siaooo, den, forget to counter-balance here and then, capsize. -.-
poohs, fun siooo.. im lykee the onlyy boatt who kena capsize, uhums. and well, 'free-tow' by one of e instructor. ^^
shioook, shiiiok, syiooooooook ! free taxi ride. muohohohohs :B

- some new-met frens/acquaintances : a junyuan sec malay guyy,a rss big guy, Syazwani[RSS], Jannah[JYSS], Syakirah[Dono wot sch].
- greater disciplinarian in my mental and physical fitness.
- charisma-boost within 2 days

- missing my groupmates[and well, some noti secret,smrt2 undrstnd uhhs] already. :(
- didnt collect the contact infos of my grpm8s.. ):

wells, things have been great, in terms of discipline and teamwork.
sad though to be lost contact with one another, hmms...
wells, thinkin optimistically, i know that we have all mutually impacted on each other's life,
no matter how small.
As raindrops shown at a correct angle by the sun, we have shone some rainbows.
No matter what, our beautiful memories shall always remain with me in my heart.
Hope to see ya all again, guys and babes, in NPAP and in ATC.
As im typing, im tear-ing deep in my soul..

And a poem to you guys, Group 5~Cyan, ATC09 members..


On a day like today,
a young lady arrived
at the airport,
with family
and friends.

Her heart was heavy,
and she was sad.
For she knew the time
has come to leave
this Heaven and
return to the
far lonely

Unsettling feeling
in her heart,
a kind of longing
to stay back forever.
A kind of familiar loneliness
that she was acquainted with,
comes to her again.

And she sighed,
wistfully, forlornly,
hoping again hope,
to stay in this limbo
of joy and

'Oh no, I'm leaving again',
she murmured,
hot tears threatening
to well in her eyes.

Bravely, she forced
a smile at her
loved ones.
Without much of
a second look,
she bid them

In the plane,
the girl sat,
with eyes closed,
reliving those
and fond
she left behind,

and those sweet voices
and carefree laughter
that accompanied
every single image
that went fleeting pass.

a faint smile ghosted at her mouth.

'I'll see them again soon.
Take care, my loved ones,
I'll be back.'

Till here and farewell...

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