KAraT abes !

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

rayeee !

alwitesss... time fliesss... soo cepatt seyhh.. tibalah hari keempat syawal.. haizzz.. perasaan rindu terhadap ramdhan masehh adee.. =(

anyway ! mase hari pertame dngn kedue hari raye... collectn cume... hmmm..secret ! heheh.. tapy, ok2 luhh, dpt lawat 6 rumah totall.. uhumm.. first dayy gii rumahh my paternal nenek, pastu to my first aunt. heheh, her sonn kann.. married to a muallaf tauu... amiinnn ((: pastuuu, gi rumahh my second senior aunt. (:
den, second day raye, we first2 gi rumah aunti ramahh, denn gi umahh pak ngn mak "etek". sampai skarangg, aquu ponn takk tawuu luhh kenape my mom's generationn panggil the couple "mak etek and pak etek". -sighhhh- wieerdd sehhh..

k luhhh,, thesee feww dayss, kat skuull quite mendakkk luhhh... gi skuul, blaja, balik, tidor. bangon, blaja... tuu luhhh my rutin seharian for these feww dayss semenjak selepass hari raye.. pastuu kannn,, at leasttt kann,,
adee my beloved adekk utk layann meee.. yeayyy !!! wooo ! hahaks... she promised me utk nyanyikan lullaby,,tapy sampai skarangg belum2 nyanyikan... ishhhhh... haiYooo =/

hahaks... anywaysss, a short poem for you yer, my dear adek?
itss for welll, thkkss for being a great listenin earr and someone yng understandss me alottt and always tryy to pick me upp when im down. (;

The Wishing Star

"Stars are made for wishing on"
My very best friend told me
So I gazed upon an October night's sky
And I picked the brightest star I could see

I named my star Huda
A very special name
Now that this star had a title
She was all mine to claim

I thought about what I wanted
Something that I could wish for
But as I thought about my wish I realized
Into this process should go much more

Huda should know my thoughts
Behind each and every wish
So before I made my wish that night
I told to Huda this

I could wish for money
Because my family is very poor
However to be rich, money is not a necessity
A person needs so very much more

I could wish for that special someone to like me
And say those three little words
But love is a much more sacred link
That comes on a path with thousands of curves

I could wish to be famous
To be someone other than myself
But self worth is measured by much more than
Having the most trophies on your shelf

Instead I want to be rich in spirit
Sound in soul and mind
I wish that when I see the pot at the end of the rainbow
Character is what I will find

Instead I wish for understanding
And courage in matters of love
I pray I'll meet the special someone
And through tough times we will rise above

Most of all I wish for the ability to know and like
Who I am and what I have become to be
And I ask that you help me realize
That I am special even if that's not what I always see

I thanked Huda for listening to
My wishes and my dreams
And there she is shinning bright
No matter how dark it seems

Huda listens to all I say
Even though she live in a world so far
But no matter where either of us end up living
She will always be my wishing star. (:

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