KAraT abes !

Friday, October 9, 2009


yeahhh, BOOMZ! HEHEHE.. totally addicted to Risloww alreadyy.. heh

heeh... todaayyyy was greattt ! (x
last paper sehhh.. to myy dearestt adiikk,, Nurul Hudaa,, doon be jealouss tauu ! next whole week mee noo skewll !! muahahahaha hehehe
heheheh, anywayy knn, me and my adiik dh buat satu 'script/line' baru..
whenever she say 'abggggg meanieeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ',
i will sayy ' im justt beeinnggg niceeee and acts flattered !' woot ! (x
confiirm, she'll merajuk and show the cutee facee.. heehee, then cn take pic (:

pastuuu, tadi lepas last paper, teroosss gy GYMMM !!!! (X heh, target actually nak besarkan myy shoulderr musclee..tapiii, haixyo, keep on training my leg musclee.. in the end, balik rumahh.. jellwyy sehh ! wahahhahaha ! =/
next week, tuesday, wednesday,thursday,saturday, sunday, dahh plann nk gyy GYM lagiik !
tapii, most probably kat tampines changkat CC punyee luhh. (x

lepas work-out... dalam kol 1300 gituu, gi smbhyng jumaat luhh.. heh, pastu kat entrance masjid nmpk my kawan2 tnps lamer...wooh !!... aimanPrata(jiwa jiwanggg brooo ! (x ], shafiqq KangKANG...WAHAHAHA ! AMEKKKO ;P
pastu, we all smbhyng samer2 kat fieldd.. den gy street soccer court maen bola ! on the wayy, nampak budak2 ex-tnps lagiik ! naufal,hassan dannn, lagi satu ketot, terlupe plak namerr.. heheh

pastuu, dahh uhh.. penatt, mendakk semuee,, baliik..
den, aiman naik 34, kene gi punggol gy rumah nenek dierr(wooohh, granny's boy seyyy WAHAHAHAHAHA )
pastu, aku ngn si shafiq KANGKANG, gi inter, dier beli mcd, aku beli oreo peppermint... naek 293..baliiikkk !! heeh

anndd ooohhhhh, cnnt wait for tmr !! goin out with sec1s and sec2s go jalan2 raya ! (x
heheh.. alwiiites, till here, Jiwangers !
anythinn, do textt,yeaa??

With lots of Jiwang lovesss,

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