KAraT abes !

Sunday, October 11, 2009

penattt ! ugghhh ! =/

heeh, been a long time since i last updated. =/

okayy okayy, so saturday..
saturday, me, fahmi,khai, shikin, faezah, fai'zah, nadiah, elya,suaidah and fi'la go jalan2 raye together uhh..

1st house..fahmi..parent dier tkde kat umah..pastu, kirekan, dier tuan rumah seorang je uhh yng ade knn.. tapi, tk gune punye tuan rumah.. tak tawuu serve tetamu.. haiyo ! haha
2nd house gi rumah elya.. makan mee ape entah aku pun tak tawu.. cume makan je uhhh.. wahahaha !
3rd house gi rumah Suaidahh*junior uhh... her mom masak ayam masak merah with nasi ayam sedap seyh ! the sambal got on my throat's nerve. =/
heeh, but still, it's quite nice ! like it tho. o.O nxt year raye can cook again. woot !
4th house, gi rumah shikin/faezah. makan macaroni...fuhh sedapp jugakk luhh, not badd.. tapi, the thing is.. aku ade satu 'gene' dlm aku yng buat aku saket perot skit2 lepas makan makanan cam.. 'berat2' semuee..yeahhhh
5th house, gi fatiin nye condo.. fuiyooo ! adee atticc.. gerek seh ! pastu kat swimming pool dier, only 11 of us, aku maen lagu
'Your Call by Secondhand Serenade' kuat2 gile ! xD
cam gerek luhh, her house.. condo, ade attic, ade swimmin pooll semueeee... ***fantasizing*** hehehe
6th house, gi umah fa'izah/fi'la..good2.. not bad. cite hannah montana the movie.. bole tahan luhh.. heh
yeah ! then 7th house, rumah akuu.. da penat gile suhhh worn out ! da ngantuukk, yawnn semuee.. heeh
ye laa, aku, leh ibaratkan cam 'waiter'.. heeh, aku buatkan air untuk dorang semuee... mango juice.. amacam koorang, sedap tk? heeh, actually kan, mango juice is the hardest juice for me to make, especially when makin the perfect taste and healthy. (:

kayyy, noww.. narii ! SUNDAY !

kul 0150 pagi, my adiik tersayang smsed me. 'Abang, you awake dear?' heh. sowie sayang, my pp8 was burnt didnt get to reply back to you. :(
heh, den at 0625, she smsed me again saying that she cant go teens alive because her shirts all are nt ready yet.
hmmm, then, she arugued and tussled wif her mummy and at last gets to go for teens alive..
but, so sedih seh, her fone, her mom take. :(
doon worrie, ok, my dear adiik? earning one's trust is hard after a sometime of scar in the heart. give her some time, pray to Allah that He will open your mum's heart and see the nice side of you.
Abang will always be there to care and love for you, my dear adiik ! cheer up okiee, dear? (:
well yeahh, tht answers my question of why she's quiet and cramped when goin to teens alive class jst now. =/
heh, then nakk baliik, we both balik together uhh.. take 17... promised to arm wrestled in the bus at upper deck..last seat..
but...butt.. =/
when e bus arrive and go upper deck... the behind side soo crowded seyh ! woahhhh :'(
cant arm wrestle her...gggrrr!hmph ! heeeheehe. takpe, there's still more sundays and meet-ups to come, right, dear? >:)
muahahahahahaha.. hehehe..then, gooodie thing is, i managed to pinch her cheek twice ! hehehe. sowiee adiik if it hurttted =/
but, heheh, i've been wanting to do it ! (x
yeahh, sent my adiik till her house lift there luh, takot kalau pape jadi kat dier per otw. heh

pastuu, dahh.. take 17 lagi, balek umah ! fuiyooo... selerak suhh rumah ! wahahaha
bukan selerak barang2 uhh.. tapi, selerak makanan 'catering'.. my uncle ordered cause, he ade jemputan raye by his 'private group' yeps. heh
the tempat is.. bukit batok community clubb..
fulemakk.. aku leh kire cam 'mat tukang buat air'... refill water container tempat 'store' air syrup rose sampai 7-8 kali suhh.. heh, biase uhh, BROOJIwang buat air rose syrup JIWANG...tak lehh anggss ! conferm nak lagi ! wooh. heh
heeh, pastu, sampai setengah jam, aku carik rose syrup botol..da shortage suhh..
lerr, korang ingat aku kembang big big ni semueee, tkde keje laen perh? penat jugakk tauu.. bikin air semue...the rase have to be sedapp!
yeah, sampai sini je luhh, dalam kol 6:30 gitu, the 'jemputan hari raye' da abes.. pack up, baliik...
penattt seyhhh !! satu badan crampp.. ggrrrr !
heh, besok plannin nk gyy GYM ! (x

kayyy, till here peepos !


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