KAraT abes !

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

heyz !

heyz ! being a long time since i updateee.. hehehe
anywayss, last few days being alright... exams all the way ! but, i think, i feel like im doing much better for my this exam. (x
yeahhh... welll, lotsa motivations from my loved oness,especially hudaa*adek and yeps, my teachers. (:

yeahhhs, then, tht time sunday, teens alive supe sYIOK !
hehehe. berjiwang throughout the class ! stuuuuuuuuuuupiddd danialll.. skarang, satu kelass da tawu aku Jiwangster seyh ! ugghhh ! heeh (x
then, our ustazah bring some kueh for us to eattt ! weeeeee (x
then kann, got one tis one snack... soo crunchy seyh ! heh.. till e crumbs all fall off frm my hand. heh..
thenn, evryone look at me... D:
hehehe... pastu, my ustazah tell me, next time bring bip. D: !
heh. then, till nw, my adekk keeeepp on tautin mee.. ggrrr ! heh
alwites, til here. (:


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